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Month: October 2014

National Guarda

Posted on October 27, 2014 in News

The given attention eeste the last rank, lowest in the hierarchy, is only justified in relation would cavalaria therefore this considered age one sets to militate noble. 8 the research deAdilson of Almeida is a chance to know Guarda to break dopode that farda, the uniform confers National Guarda, a time to procurandofazer a counterpoint with the situation of Guarda and of Exercito, the question is not dares of farda is the situation that it provides to it, in some cases pessoasque served Guarda passed for financial necessities, therefore they did not receive osuficiente to live, being that before the service in the military service it lived more good. Exactly being oscargos of National Guarda distributed between you of the land nasprovncias and villages, in the cities also the patronage of the Guardanacional was formed. In many cases in the cities to be part of Guarda he needed deum purchasing power greater what in the field, therefore the colonel nominated in suapropriedade soon treated to form its miliciana troop, of this form free muitostrabalhadores was convoked by the colonels to compose the body deGuardas. Nacionale guard the Army the noImprio Army passed for crisis moments, a time that with the formation of the GuardNacional, many resources had been used for maintenance of the military service, the Exercitofoi to the few being forgotten, however had a relation enters Exercises eGuarda National, a time that at war moment was the Army that eraconvocado to fight in first line, another factor important to pararessaltar is that the Army could accept any citizen in its troop, atmesmo former-slave in war case mainly.

A question importante that Guarda was an association armed formed for civilians, and for soldadosprofissionais, not being a estamental society, that goes losing force until suaextino in the end of the imperial period. ' ' Fundadacomo troop auxiliary of the army. Thus, they were its objectives to institucionaissubsidiar the troops of first line in the defense of the sovereignty of the country front aospases foreign and to guarantee the maintenance of the internal order seted association, the national guard age, therefore, an institution organized for desenvolverdiferentes modalities of social control, that defined its in such a way atuaoquanto its internal estruturao.


The Age Of The Radio

Posted on October 26, 2014 in News

Age great jump happened thanks to the perception unquestioned politics of president Getlio Vargas, who I eat call CIACCIA and MANHANELLI (2007) in> the History of the Radio in the Brazilian Politics. The authors determine that the rupture occurred in 1932, with the promulgation of Decree 21,111 of 1 of March, in which all the radios from that moment would start to announce commercial products, the objective of the senders became mercantile, the cost of the announcements was related with the hearing, became necessary to please the consumers. Even though a nationalized radio, as powerful the National one, of Rio De Janeiro was not stolen to dispute the market, using itself most intense Populism. This change attracts money consequently and sic the competition and stimulates the market. The characteristics of the programming suffer great changes, passing of the scholar the popular one and searching to take to the people leisure and diversion. Industry and commerce discover the potential of the radio in the incentive to the consumption and the classroom politics perceives that it could also be a great vendedor of ideas. the government of the union will look for to understand itself by the way with the states and way cities that exactly in the small agglomerations are installed receiving provided with loudspeakers in conditions to facilitate to all the Brazilians, without sex distinction nor age, moments of education social politics and, you inform useful to its businesses and all luck of tending notice to interlace the interests diverse of the nation. … To radiotelephony is reserved the paper to interest all for everything how much is transferred in Brazil (CIACCIA, MANHANELLI, 2007) Doubtlessly, the year of 1932 watershed was the Chieftain in Air, in 1936 (…) the focus of the attentions is turned toward the proper Mau Square, when, in the last floors of the famous building A Night, has beginning the transmissions of the National Radio of Rio De Janeiro (…) Singers from the Radio composed for Carlos Braga (the Braguinha, that adopted the pseudonym of Adobe Joo), Lamartine Babo and Alberto Ribeiro interpreted for the sisters Carmem and Aurora Miranda that said: We are the singers of the radio We take the life to sing Of night we pack your sleep,/Of morning we to wake up we go you.


Jewelry Merchandise

Posted on October 8, 2014 in News

The money is a so important part of our daily life we looked for that it incessantly, but rarely we pause to consider that it is. The modern financial system, with its tickets, checks, bottoms federals, and other complex financial instruments did not arise overnight. It has been developed throughout centuries. The money Is everything what it constitutes means of change or payment commonly accepted. At the outset it took the form of merchandise, but with time it was transformed into money-paper and current All these instruments consider the same essential quality: they are accepted as average of payment in the purchase of goods and services. The societies have happened in the use of the money through numerous historical phases. The sequence of the exchange, the money-merchandise, the money paper and the banking money sample how evolved this one in the course of the time.

The exchange and the use of the money. When Stanley Jevons, in one of first text books on the money, wanted to ahead illustrate the tremendous jump that gave the civilization when it happened of the exchange to money to realise interchanges. The money as half of change appeared for the first time in the history of the man in the form of merchandise, of very diverse types: cattle, olive oil, beer or wines, receive, iron, gold, silver, ring and diamonds.In century XIX, the money-merchandise were limited metals almost exclusively. The silver shines, but it dims. As far as gold, its high specific gravity causes that it is easy to detect any falsification or adulteration.

But during most of history, its value of shortage by ounce has been so serious that they were necessary excessively small currencies to realise ordinary purchases.The majority of the used classes of money tended to be valuable or useful by themselves. Thus, the gold has been used in the odontolgy and the Jewelry shop. Nevertheless, the intrinsic value of the money is less important of he. The era of the money-merchandise opens the way to the one of the money-paper. Today, essence of the money is in the open. The money like so and not as merchandise, do not look for by itself, but by the things that can it bought with him. We do not want to have it to consume it directly but, rather, to use coming off it to us him. Even though we decide to conserve it, its value derives the fact that we can spend it later.The money is an artificial social convention. If by any reason, a substance like money begins to be used, the public would begin to value it. A person who does not smoke will evaluate cigarettes if these constitute the money in a concentration camp.


Free University Environmental Courses

Posted on October 8, 2014 in News

At the entrance to University environmental courses free online saw that the National University of distance education has made available for free to the public in general masterclasses in all areas of knowledge.This content type is called OpenCourseWare. In this sense, not only this University has made this type of initiatives. In fact the University pioneer in these courses is the Massachusetts Institute of technology. Taking into account that the last entry was one of the most visited and several of my coworkers asked me where I could get more environmental courses, then I leave you with the main universities that distribute their content in the form of OpenCourseWare and the most representative courses (I think) at the environmental level. 1 Massachsetts Institute of technology: MIT opencourseware Spanish sustainable energy fundamentals of ecology Spanish transport en el medio ambiente Spanish Project Evaluation processes (assessment of) UCLA: Channel of Youtube Education for Sustainable Living (education for sustainable living). -English Sustainable Living (sustainable living) English 5. University of Puerto Rico: ocwupr currently, there are no courses for environmental area 6. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (argentina): ocw.unc currently, there are no courses for the environmental area. For its part the opencultures page consolidates more than 300 courses free of all types of universities. Original author and source of the article


Designer Bags

Posted on October 5, 2014 in News

The check Burberry sunglasses make them stand out with a sense of understated and feminine glamour. Burberry Discount Burberry Handbag sunglasses can definitely be described as classic in style in many of the designs. The variety of designs, you can choose to Categories Bestsellers style simple or complicated suits your style. Burberry scarf is treated as a valuable accessory which offer in a wide range of designs and patterns depending on Burberry Categories Bestsellers Scarves styles widespread in the market.Burberry Scarves are printed with bold prints and they also have dye pattern, paisleys, embroidery and many more things Burberry Handbags outlet on them. You will find that lovely parts of silk, cotton, wool and cashmere, fur, pashmina, vary. The variety of available in Burberry Scarf for sale Burberry shop, where you can choose is amazing, burberry handbags were in demand with Burberry Wallet on sale every fashion conscious woman in the world..
