Posted on March 31, 2017 in News
The production of the corante directly on the substratum makes with that the tingimento is highly efficient, with good setting, resistance to the light and also to the humidity. The color is produced inside of the fiber, presents high solidity, does not need fixing, the gotten brightness is considered excellent, but it is a long process, with high cost and attacks the environment. The corantes daily pay-metallized use of pigments the oxide base wide used in the market for presenting high to be able of covering, easiness of use, raised opacity, possibility of products micronizados and low oil absorption. Already the reactive corantes contain a eletroflico group (reactive) that it forms covalentes linkings with molecules of staple fibres, for example, with hidroxilas of celulsicas staple fibres, or with amino, hidroxila and tiis of proteinic staple fibres or with groups still amino group of the poliamidas ones. They are economically intermediate, they do not need clamp, they present high solidity to the light and humid and the high reprodutividade. The restriction in the treatment with chlorine has as disadvantage and attacks the environment.
Differently of corantes or pigments fluorescent the optic or agent branqueadores of branqueamento are colorless organic composites or little colored that, in solution or applied to a substratum absorbs the light, in the region next to the ultraviolet one to the specter (340-380 nm), and re-emits most of the absorbed energy as violet-bluish fluorescent light, in the visible region between 400 and 500nm. The result is that the materials submitted to this treatment seem, by rough estimate human, less yellowish, more shining and whiter. Carrying through the dream of the man, or creating the optic illusion, to reproduce the pure white, of clouds and the snow, forgetting the yellowish appearance that the chemical pigments and alvejantes result in the conventional processes of tingimento in the white color. 2.3ESTRUTURA OF SOME MATERIALS the natural staple fibres of vegetal origin are composed basically of cellulose, a polymer of the carboidrato glucose.
Posted on March 25, 2017 in News
SKVTechnik simplified search for side channel blowers in the online shop In the shop of SKVTechnik are now three search functions for customers. Side channel blowers can be found here for all possible criteria without expenditure of time. These three search functions are: 1 the SKVTechnik Configurator 2. The SKVTechnik device discovery 3. What is the SKVTechnik frame size search so special? Customers are looking for side channel compressors in three different ways. The three new search features take into account exactly these search paths.
This saves the customer time. How does search work? The SKVTechnik Configurator: Configuration of side channel compressors by the customer. After the selection of the Configurator in the left navigation bar, all available variants are offered the customer side channel compressors in the playlist. These are currently almost 800 variants. Then, all necessary to select attributes of side channel blowers are listed in the navigation. Customers then tick the desired parameter attributes and the playlist is reduced automatically to the fan that will not be the focus of the customer. This selection so long continues the customer, until only a side channel blowers for the selection. This vacuum pump is equivalent to exactly the desired device.
The SKVTechnik device search search for side channel compressors by form search. After selecting the device search in the left navigation, appears a form customers fill out. In the form drop are defined under attribute fields down lists, which can easily fold up customers and select. Such attribute field is, for example, the volumetric flow rate. Customers simply select the desired flow rate. The selection of the customers is stored and sent to the SKVTechnik service, which submitted an offer. Finding the device: device search the SKVTechnik frame size search simple search within a standardized size of a side channel blower. This search is similar to the search in the SKVTechnik Configurator. Customers choose the size search in the left navigation. Then, the customer selects the desired size. All side channel blowers within the same size are displayed. Then, the customer in the left-hand navigation selects the appears attributes such as installation art, free ports or other technical parameters such as suction or blowing pressure. Also a multiple selection is possible. Ultimately a found side channel compressor stops, corresponding exactly to the customer. The customer’s search takes just a few seconds in all three cases. This was and is the stated goal of SKVTechnik, which is to save the customer time.
Posted on March 5, 2017 in News
Czech online: fashion in jewelry designers if you are a fashionista, and is considered to be up to date with the latest in fashion accessories, you then know that use designer jewelry always will accentuate your clothing. For those who are fortunate and want to achieve the latest fashion in jewelry designed by notable designers, here is a list of the best Jewelers in designer fashion that you may wish to add to your collection. The legend of Coco probably, you may be familiar with the Chanel brand, being one of the most sought after brands, for celebrities and the rich. Over the years, this brand has created several collections of clothes, makeup, shoes, perfumes and bags, years ago, they added to their outstanding collection, designer fashion jewelry pieces, inspired by its founder, Coco Chanel. If you are interested in knowing more about its latest additions to the beautiful and extravagant collections of designer fashion jewelry, you can visit their website at. Indulge your sense with the most extravagant creations of jewellery that you see on this web site. You will see the wonderful creations that are a true creation, of a single class, with a mark of sophistication that has been by what is known to Chanel.
Learn more on the other hand, if you are looking for a web site of a store, where you will know more about the exact jewelry designer that is used by famous celebrities, you could stop in. This web site offers the top ten designers of fashion jewelry, which are really wonderful and are passionate about their art. Notable names like Neil Lane, Tiffany & Co., Harry Winston, Maurice Badler, Bill Barnes, and the rest of the reputable and well known names in the jewelry industry can be found on this web site. Another thing which is another great thing about this site is that not only you become informed and educated about what celebrities depend of the designers of fashion jewelry when they need to dress for the red carpet, but you also get to be directed to these web sites for fashion jewelry designers so you shop and take a look around their collections in the convenience of your own home. Now visit these sites on your computer, sit down and relax, begins to feel like a celebrity when you visit all the sites that offer the creations of fashion jewelry designers. Who knows, you may even get to take a good deal!