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Security Codes

Posted on August 3, 2019 in News

From September 29 to October 1, 2009 in Moscow will host the largest exhibition of Information Security Infosecurity Russia 2009, participation in which traditionally takes a group of companies InformZaschita. At this year's booth 1-701 (Pavilion 7) integrator InformZaschita submit a comprehensive service for the protection of personal data protection of virtual infrastructure, outsourcing of information security, identity management, access and rights users of information security incidents, information security risk and services within the PCI Compliance. The company "Security Code", a member of a group of companies InformZaschita, provide innovative tools protection of information developed in accordance with the requirements of legislation aimed at protecting personal data. Specialists Group InformZaschita will read the reports: – Threat to corporate network – Security virtual infrastructure – Protection from DDoS-attacks – Protection of Personal Data – Comprehensive protection from unauthorized access – Incident Management and PCI DSS, etc. A detailed Program presentations at the booth can be found on the websites of companies InformZaschita "and" security code ". The exhibition is traditionally held a conference in which appear the most authoritative experts and analysts in the field of information security, including experts from the group of companies InformZaschita. This year Michael Yemelyannikov, Director of Business Development InformZaschita, will hold two roundtable discussions "The Internet as a field of competitive battles" and "Security in Virtual Environments: Technology software.

Why traditional media is not enough. " CEO of "security code" Alexander Shirmanov announced Bid on new products, "Lions and Gladiators" a new software product Security Code TrustAccess, designed to protect against unauthorized access to network resources information system. In addition, our specialists will participate in the 4-PEX round tables: – The Internet as a field of competitive battles – Building and maintaining business continuity in the existing conditions. Information security as an element of continuity? – Current issue the introduction of PCI DSS; – Security in Virtual Environments: Technology software. Why traditional media is not enough. A detailed program of presentations at the conference is available at companies InformZaschita "and" Code security ". The exhibition Infosecurity Russia 2009 will take place September 29 to October 1, 2009 in Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya.