Posted on January 8, 2014 in News
-Handle communications with third parties (business partners) and with workers who are traveling or away from the Office (for example: Freelancers). 4 Education for:-consult addresses of colleges, universities, institutes, etc – find information on courses, programs and materials. -Notify places and dates of educational events: congresses, lectures, exams, etc. – send notifications of acceptance or rejection in enrollment processes. -Communicate assessment results. -Notify changes of schedules and classrooms.
-Parents report absences that their children have. 5. Technology information to:-send alerts that confirm the arrival of the e-mails. -Confirm data from user profiles, key, passwords, etc – send alerts of: malfunction, failures of systems and virus. -Notified date and time of the completion of passes to production or the execution of major changes in systems and platforms. -Perform remote support.
6 Logistics and transportation, to:-track loads, trucks, orders and deliveries. -Controlling access to places of loading and unloading of products. -Inform availability and supply of products. -Consult and manage inventories. 7 Travel and tourism, for:-notify arrivals and departures of: flights, trains, boats, buses, etc – perform checks, reservations and confirmations in: hotels, airlines, ferries, etc – communicate information in travel, tours, itineraries, specials, information about the destination (health, currency, climate, language). -Manage the preferences of passengers. 8 Banking and finance, to:-carry out banking transactions: check balances, make transfers, payment cards (debit and credit), request and obtain statements, etc – notify customer data updates, give Bank alerts, obtain prices of the shares of stock exchanges (national and foreign), give profit percentages, make special promotions, etc – send virtual credit card numbers. -Report actions carried out at point of sale or ATM, etc – get passwords of credit and debit cards. -Remembering the number of bank accounts. -Apply for insurance policies and short-term loans. 9. Social networks, to:-promote public as Facebook, Hi 5, Messenger, etc use applications – exchange of content among members of specific groups. 10 Health, to:-send emergency messages to institutions or bodies of rescue. -Communicating events related to health: donation of organs, days of vaccination and donation of blood, days of free medical exams, etc – informing and consulting the location of clinics, hospitals, clinics, etc – to give instructions and guide patients on specific therapies. -Reconfirm appointments of patients. -The results of medical examinations and laboratory as soon as possible.