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Electromagnetic Fields

Posted on January 16, 2013 in News

As mentioned in the Old Testament: "And will all the earth: bordered by filaments'. It seems that these words were indeed prophetic. Now Globe surrounded by hundreds of thousands of electrical wires. So what, you say, we also have to live somehow, we are accustomed to refrigerators and TVs, do have to give up all this not to be afraid of the offensive end of the world. Yes, refuse from anything you do not want to only to the extent possible to protect themselves against effects of electromagnetic fields. It is understandable that snacking on house wires are not needed, but consider in what place is your house or yard. Scourge of many cities are building lots under the power lines (power lines). Berries, vegetables is possible, but work on these gardens can not.

Unfortunately, the gardens and lined them houses that are in close proximity to power lines, are there illegally, and hence the norm the correct location are not met. Since it is impossible to completely change the situation, it is necessary in any case, to protect themselves from harmful effects of power lines. First, power lines generate magnetic fields. Normal, not leads to oncological diseases of the magnetic field is level 0,3 – 0,4 mT. Secondly, apart from the magnetic field generated by electric fields. There are sanitary protection zones, within which is prohibited build houses and public buildings.

Here you can grow those crops that do not require a long stay of the person and the use of manual labor. The electromagnetic field of the line is dangerous to health. A person may develop cataracts, broken kroei circulation in the vessels of the brain. Butterflies, for example, try to fly away from electrical wires, the plant under power lines, develop various abnormalities – extra petals, a new form.
