Posted on September 11, 2017 in News
Two-thirds of those patents are Monsanto and Basf together with junior partners. (ETC Group, may 2008) The fact, that faced with this reality lately gives us, us that: Brazil has shifted in the second put by surface to Argentina, specialized in crops are soybean, corn and cotton, has 21.3 million hectares. Respite of Brazil is due to his remarkable increase (35%) in the last year, in a clear example of the commitment that the Government of Lula da Siva has made this production model. Other markets where genetically modified crops are allowed, such as India and Canada have a production of 8.2 and 8.4 million hectares respectively are placed away from them. Genetically modified products are implanted for more than one decade (1996 was the first year of their marketing). People from more than 50 countries consume products containing ingredients extracted products genetically modified.
Your process comes from a basic premise: ensure that crops are more efficient from the change in the genetic material. The technique is based on identifying a specific gene in a living organism, isolate it and multiply it, to then integrate it into one of the chromosomes of the receiver. The origin of this type of products is located in United States. It was in 1993 when the first modified in the North American country plant was obtained. Eleven years later, America allowed the marketing of the first transgenic food. It was a long-lasting tomato, created from a complex technique that allowed inhibit the enzyme responsible for the aging of the vegetable. Since then, it has increased the production and consumption of genetically modified food and it is estimated that, today, the world surface destined to the production of biotechnological crops amounted to 134 million hectares, an extension that is distributed, disparate form, among 25 countries. In recent years the crops biotechnology are growing faster in developing countries than in developed countries, according to Vicente.