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BAI – Graduates-graduates-index – I 2011 – Strong Upswing

Posted on November 19, 2014 in News

The German economy is in a strong upswing. Its momentum has revived significantly in the spring. The German economy is located in a strong upswing. Its momentum has revived significantly in the spring. After the quieter primarily weather related development at the turn of the year, the spring revival breaks railway now more. The upturn has detected the economy in full width and increases its toughness. The buoyancy forces remain strong and increasingly are moving on the domestic economy. The mood in the economy, with businesses and consumers is confident and stable.

Corporate financing conditions are favorable. According to polls, they want to vigorously invest and hire additional workers. The demand for German products from home and abroad is persistently high. Although the natural and nuclear disaster in Japan, as well as the geopolitical events in the Arab world stress the positive overall picture. So far they represent only risk factors during their economic Impact on the German economy are rather small.

Despite further recovery of the economy the machine builders benefit from mechanical engineering (plus 6) unfortunately not. The volume of ads for machine builders has shrunk in the first quarter to total 371 basis points in the BAI further in 2011. Electrical engineering (plus 17) what the machine builders applies, can be applied for the electrical engineering. The companies exercise restraint in tenders for electrical engineering, this means a decrease of 17 basis points to 384 for this Department. However it should be noted in two areas that this continues to be at a very high level. Industrial engineering / WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK (plus 10) a small breather filed BAI at the business information systems and industrial engineers. Both areas recorded a small increase in vacancies by 10 points in the first quarter. At the business information systems the positive trend which last quarters when the scientist was is the BAI currently 231 and the industrial engineers 254. computer scientist (plus 38) first once abruptly stopped. Computer scientists have a fragile rural decline of 38 basis points to 643 points in the Bay. Mathematics / Physics (plus 3) a slight recovery for the mathematician and physicist. Scroll a rise of 3 basis points on a total 230 Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str. 31, 26197 Grossenkneten Tel.: 04435 / 9612 (0) Internet: eMail: Berufsstart.de is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market among recruitment services for young academics in Germany for more than 10 years the Top5. As the first publisher of career planners for graduates, print media started her career include technology (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economy (economic and legal scholars) for 50 years the standard media for the career. Also available are the annual publications graduates trainee and company introduce themselves.