Posted on October 11, 2019 in News
Hi I am willing that you tell me that material needed for their research, research I hope to contact me and I can help them guide. Anything can make comments and I supply the information because the they do not comments I’ve seen on the need for you to be participate them topics to perform, there is no any problem I the public hope your answers. I hope we will be in contact, your suggestion is more important, any doubt or question go know, for that we are here. A hug and thousand Greetings can offer sketches, pictures, graphs, differences ok. I hope you like my distribution.
Every human being, each animal, every tree and shrub, each flower and all other plant and way of life is in itself something special, a peculiarity and individuality in all respects. But only the life of human form, of any genre, is able to think and act in a conscious way, and thus is the most special among all lives. For humans, be special does not mean that he is above all, enjoying and using everything for him according to your taste, be special simply means in the first place, truly be a human being. Being human means sharing life with all other life and always giving him assistance many times the need requires it. Being human means being special and have developed the ability to share the life of its own, also with others so that others involved in the achieved knowledge, as well as the love and wisdom, so that the same thing happens to and learn and can progress. Being human means being honest in thoughts and feelings, in Word and Act, be always sincere and sensitive, and always make sure that true love is a part of everything and every one. Being human means, having developed within himself the ability to be able to give others something good and positive, as well as balanced and harmonious, and assist them in the changes that occur, when they need the help of the humanitaridad of human beings from the neighbor. I hope your suggestions and comment original author and source of the article.
Posted on October 27, 2014 in News
The given attention eeste the last rank, lowest in the hierarchy, is only justified in relation would cavalaria therefore this considered age one sets to militate noble. 8 the research deAdilson of Almeida is a chance to know Guarda to break dopode that farda, the uniform confers National Guarda, a time to procurandofazer a counterpoint with the situation of Guarda and of Exercito, the question is not dares of farda is the situation that it provides to it, in some cases pessoasque served Guarda passed for financial necessities, therefore they did not receive osuficiente to live, being that before the service in the military service it lived more good. Exactly being oscargos of National Guarda distributed between you of the land nasprovncias and villages, in the cities also the patronage of the Guardanacional was formed. In many cases in the cities to be part of Guarda he needed deum purchasing power greater what in the field, therefore the colonel nominated in suapropriedade soon treated to form its miliciana troop, of this form free muitostrabalhadores was convoked by the colonels to compose the body deGuardas. Nacionale guard the Army the noImprio Army passed for crisis moments, a time that with the formation of the GuardNacional, many resources had been used for maintenance of the military service, the Exercitofoi to the few being forgotten, however had a relation enters Exercises eGuarda National, a time that at war moment was the Army that eraconvocado to fight in first line, another factor important to pararessaltar is that the Army could accept any citizen in its troop, atmesmo former-slave in war case mainly.
A question importante that Guarda was an association armed formed for civilians, and for soldadosprofissionais, not being a estamental society, that goes losing force until suaextino in the end of the imperial period. ' ' Fundadacomo troop auxiliary of the army. Thus, they were its objectives to institucionaissubsidiar the troops of first line in the defense of the sovereignty of the country front aospases foreign and to guarantee the maintenance of the internal order seted association, the national guard age, therefore, an institution organized for desenvolverdiferentes modalities of social control, that defined its in such a way atuaoquanto its internal estruturao.
Posted on October 26, 2014 in News
Age great jump happened thanks to the perception unquestioned politics of president Getlio Vargas, who I eat call CIACCIA and MANHANELLI (2007) in> the History of the Radio in the Brazilian Politics. The authors determine that the rupture occurred in 1932, with the promulgation of Decree 21,111 of 1 of March, in which all the radios from that moment would start to announce commercial products, the objective of the senders became mercantile, the cost of the announcements was related with the hearing, became necessary to please the consumers. Even though a nationalized radio, as powerful the National one, of Rio De Janeiro was not stolen to dispute the market, using itself most intense Populism. This change attracts money consequently and sic the competition and stimulates the market. The characteristics of the programming suffer great changes, passing of the scholar the popular one and searching to take to the people leisure and diversion. Industry and commerce discover the potential of the radio in the incentive to the consumption and the classroom politics perceives that it could also be a great vendedor of ideas. the government of the union will look for to understand itself by the way with the states and way cities that exactly in the small agglomerations are installed receiving provided with loudspeakers in conditions to facilitate to all the Brazilians, without sex distinction nor age, moments of education social politics and, you inform useful to its businesses and all luck of tending notice to interlace the interests diverse of the nation. … To radiotelephony is reserved the paper to interest all for everything how much is transferred in Brazil (CIACCIA, MANHANELLI, 2007) Doubtlessly, the year of 1932 watershed was the Chieftain in Air, in 1936 (…) the focus of the attentions is turned toward the proper Mau Square, when, in the last floors of the famous building A Night, has beginning the transmissions of the National Radio of Rio De Janeiro (…) Singers from the Radio composed for Carlos Braga (the Braguinha, that adopted the pseudonym of Adobe Joo), Lamartine Babo and Alberto Ribeiro interpreted for the sisters Carmem and Aurora Miranda that said: We are the singers of the radio We take the life to sing Of night we pack your sleep,/Of morning we to wake up we go you.
Posted on February 28, 2013 in News
Temporality of the taxable in respect of tax value-added considerations previous: not intended to present work, become a Studio background of the legislation that establishes and regulates the temporality of the taxable in respect of value added tax; It constitutes in itself a little more graphic and condensed representation that guides so that the reader is placed in a simple manner within the legal context. Should be noted that the legislator homeland, in the opinion of the undersigned, puts aside the reality of the way in which they operate the majority of SME s in terms of their commercial relations covered in commercial customs, which makes it difficult in many cases to determine the moment in the tax obligation, what arises making reservation, is clear, from the originated by issuing the commercial invoice. No you can put aside the myriad of imprecision, vagueness and ambiguity that abound in the country legislation which regulates the matter, and of which much has been said and written, is imperative to make mention to the term authorization of payment order issue that determines, according to our rules, the emergence of the tax obligation, in negotiations with the State authorities. Timing refers to the moment in which means happened taxable and therefore born the tax liability. Four large generators of the fact taxable VAT are recognized in our legislation in general terms, these are, the alienation of personal property, the provision of services (including the services from abroad), the definitive import of movable property and movable property and exports services, this activity upon which rests the tax 1However it should be noted that the law makes a second distinction, and will referred to the budget that defines the emergence of the tax obligation in relation to the organ or entity perceptor of the good or service, so there is a differentiation as soon as if the perceptor of the good or service entity is a public body, or If it is a private entity, in the first case, the problem, to a despite the inaccuracies of the norm, is of less relevance in relationship clear is, to the topic that concerns us, namely the determination of the moment is born the tax obligation, without considering the implications, economic, fiscal, or strict legal nature as well as the exceptions, and the reason is that the standard defines in principle a unique moment for the birth of the obligation, namely: the authorization of the payment order, is so manifest in Art. .