Posted on March 4, 2019 in News
So here in terms of abilities and skills the students should: Remember definitions, vocabulary, units, number facts, properties of numbers, properties of plane figures, conversions of different sizes, etc. Recognize / Identify mathematical entities that are equivalent, is ie areas of parts of figures to represent fractions, fractions known, decimals and percentages equivalent;; simple geometric figures oriented differently, and so on. Calculate know algorithmic procedures for +, -, x,: or a combination of such operations, known procedures to approximate numbers, estimating measures solve equations, evaluate expressions and formulas, divide a quantity in a given ratio, increase or decrease a quantity by a given percentage, etc. Use mathematics to use tools and measuring instruments, reading scales: draw lines, angles or shapes according to given specifications. Given the necessary steps, using ruler and compass to construct the bisector of a line, the bisector of an angle, triangles and quadrilaterals. II. USE OF CONCEPTS s Familiarity with mathematical concept is central to the effective use of mathematics to solve problems, for reasoning and, therefore, for the development of mathematical understanding.
Knowledge of concepts enables students to make connections between elements of knowledge that, at best, would only be retained as isolated events. It allows them to expand beyond their existing knowledge, judge the validity of statements and mathematical methods and create representations mathematics. Knowing that the length, area and volume are preserved under certain conditions, have an appreciation of concepts such as inclusion and exclusion, generality, equal probability, representation, testing, cardinal and ordinal, mathematical relationships, place value of numbers.
Posted on December 9, 2013 in News
Thus, the descriptions of the skills and abilities that form the cognitive domains and that will be assessed together with the content is presented in this framework in some detail. These skills and abilities must play a central role in the development of items and Striking a balance on the sets of items of different degrees of measurement objects. The behaviors used to define the theoretical frameworks of mathematics have been classified into four cognitive domains: Knowledge of facts and procedures Use of concepts Problem Solving Reasoning usual Different groups within a society, even among educators in math, have different views about the relative values of cognitive skills, or at least about the relative emphasis that should be granted in schools. The author believes that these are all important and testing will be used several items to measure each of these skills. The skills and skills included in each cognitive domain exemplify those who stated that they would expect schoolchildren in performance tests. It is intended to be applicable for all grades both measuring objects, although the degree of sophistication to the manifestation of behavior vary considerably between different grades. The distribution of items between knowledge of facts and procedures, using concepts, solving routine problems and reasoning also differs between grades. With the development of mathematical skills of the students with the interaction of experience, education and maturity, the curricular emphasis moves from relatively simple to more complex tasks. In general, the cognitive complexity of tasks increases cognitive domain to the next.