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Special Activities

Posted on October 11, 2019 in News

Hi I am willing that you tell me that material needed for their research, research I hope to contact me and I can help them guide. Anything can make comments and I supply the information because the they do not comments I’ve seen on the need for you to be participate them topics to perform, there is no any problem I the public hope your answers. I hope we will be in contact, your suggestion is more important, any doubt or question go know, for that we are here. A hug and thousand Greetings can offer sketches, pictures, graphs, differences ok. I hope you like my distribution.

Every human being, each animal, every tree and shrub, each flower and all other plant and way of life is in itself something special, a peculiarity and individuality in all respects. But only the life of human form, of any genre, is able to think and act in a conscious way, and thus is the most special among all lives. For humans, be special does not mean that he is above all, enjoying and using everything for him according to your taste, be special simply means in the first place, truly be a human being. Being human means sharing life with all other life and always giving him assistance many times the need requires it. Being human means being special and have developed the ability to share the life of its own, also with others so that others involved in the achieved knowledge, as well as the love and wisdom, so that the same thing happens to and learn and can progress. Being human means being honest in thoughts and feelings, in Word and Act, be always sincere and sensitive, and always make sure that true love is a part of everything and every one. Being human means, having developed within himself the ability to be able to give others something good and positive, as well as balanced and harmonious, and assist them in the changes that occur, when they need the help of the humanitaridad of human beings from the neighbor. I hope your suggestions and comment original author and source of the article.

Mason Man

Posted on December 8, 2017 in News

From the age of eight – tells Pacheco – leo everything that falls into my hands. At eighteen years of age it is mobilized and earmarked Oyarzun, in the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco. He worked in many different trades to kill hunger, the poet himself reminds us of the following: monaguillo, singer of tangos, photographer, charger dock station railway, Mason, Marbler, dealer registration and theater comparsista sheets, finally, enters as a typist at the offices of the military Pagaduria. In 1949 he published his first poem air in the newspaper today. On October 5, 1955 he married Manuela Canon Villarroel. Extremadura Medal is granted in 1986 and two years later he was elected member of the Royal Academy of Extremadura of letters and the arts. In his abundant poetic works include the following titles: absence of mismanos (1949), in the land of cancer (1953), the Archangel sleepwalking (1953), Loscaballos of dawn (1954), mia (1955), poems (1960) son, still estatodo still (1960), poems in the form of (1962), poetry on Earth (1970), Paracurar cancer do not serve dragonflies (1972), the emblem of the dream (1972), Cantaresde eyes open (1976), has never lived as (1977), die now movies andother poems (1978), poetry (1942-1984) (3 vols1986) and sepia color poems (1989). Work in prose (1949-1995) was published in 1995.

And as the Extremaduran poet said: what matters is the man / because if the man dies / will turn off forever / torches of alba. Francisco Arias Solis no man believes that his situation is free if not at the same time fair, not fair if it is not free. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.

Jewelry Merchandise

Posted on October 8, 2014 in News

The money is a so important part of our daily life we looked for that it incessantly, but rarely we pause to consider that it is. The modern financial system, with its tickets, checks, bottoms federals, and other complex financial instruments did not arise overnight. It has been developed throughout centuries. The money Is everything what it constitutes means of change or payment commonly accepted. At the outset it took the form of merchandise, but with time it was transformed into money-paper and current All these instruments consider the same essential quality: they are accepted as average of payment in the purchase of goods and services. The societies have happened in the use of the money through numerous historical phases. The sequence of the exchange, the money-merchandise, the money paper and the banking money sample how evolved this one in the course of the time.

The exchange and the use of the money. When Stanley Jevons, in one of first text books on the money, wanted to ahead illustrate the tremendous jump that gave the civilization when it happened of the exchange to money to realise interchanges. The money as half of change appeared for the first time in the history of the man in the form of merchandise, of very diverse types: cattle, olive oil, beer or wines, receive, iron, gold, silver, ring and diamonds.In century XIX, the money-merchandise were limited metals almost exclusively. The silver shines, but it dims. As far as gold, its high specific gravity causes that it is easy to detect any falsification or adulteration.

But during most of history, its value of shortage by ounce has been so serious that they were necessary excessively small currencies to realise ordinary purchases.The majority of the used classes of money tended to be valuable or useful by themselves. Thus, the gold has been used in the odontolgy and the Jewelry shop. Nevertheless, the intrinsic value of the money is less important of he. The era of the money-merchandise opens the way to the one of the money-paper. Today, essence of the money is in the open. The money like so and not as merchandise, do not look for by itself, but by the things that can it bought with him. We do not want to have it to consume it directly but, rather, to use coming off it to us him. Even though we decide to conserve it, its value derives the fact that we can spend it later.The money is an artificial social convention. If by any reason, a substance like money begins to be used, the public would begin to value it. A person who does not smoke will evaluate cigarettes if these constitute the money in a concentration camp.


Industrial Engineering

Posted on September 16, 2014 in News

The characteristics of the stage where I had for the first venture into the mastery of industrial engineering, was where participates in the formation of the master’s program in Industrial Engineering from the school of EGAII at the Autonomous University graduate again Leon, Monterrey, Mexico long ago, with the collaboration of the industrial engineer and Master of business administration from the defunct Eng. Mario Gonzalez Garza. Master, we began with the collaboration of other teachers, expert engineers who gave us their experience, skills in the exercise of their profession within the Monterrey business environment, coupled with all this analysis of what other universities were offering in this regard, both at the regional, national and international level. We define the profile at the time of the graduate from these studies that had the basic knowledge to provide the technological development of enterprises, their operation, processes, backed of the modern tools, regulations and techniques that ensure quality and productivity. Unfortunately at that time, he was given great strength to mathematics, more that to other relevant subjects such as management of processes based on productivity; Quality systems; Production management; Problems of the engineering industry Mexican, to name a few. Another aspect that I escaped us in this beginning was with regard to the basic fundamentals of organizational behavior and modern management topics, which assist the engineer reinforce their technical knowledge with managers, providing the production management. However, I am always the possibility that after the first year of testing, you should go restructuring the program according to the advancement, role impact of the industrial engineer according to the behavior of the business activities and that it arises in relation to the production, quality, service, competitiveness, particularly in an environment dynamic business as the Monterrey. The commitment that it would minimize overuse of mathematics and entering more operational, very significant research at that time, as well as applied, especially in quality statistics was.
