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Social Engineering

Posted on May 10, 2020 in News

Giving continuity, the first case that I will present is of as to cross the security of a company for the simple act of the lack of information and the curiosity. In as, to substimar an employee it can be the key for its fall. In case that 1Para to get access to a company, a consultant left, propositalmente, a COMPACT DISC in the balcony of the entrance of the building in which it wanted to test the security level. The content of the COMPACT DISC ero archives of text and some spread sheets, however in the way had a program ‘ ‘ trojan’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ pescar’ ‘ sigilosas passwords and information. In the COMPACT DISC the following heading was printed matter: Leaf of Payment Direction – ConfidencialAps to leave the COMPACT DISC it left the building and was waiting in the car with a connection 3G and logado in the site that was ‘ ‘ esperando’ ‘ the information. 8 minutes so that it had access to a machine and, in next the 30 minutes had been enough, already it had more than infectado 100 machines of the company. This was only one test to affirm that the curiosity of the people goes beyond its reason and, over all, of the norms.

Case 2Em one determined company of the interior of Minas Gerais, diverse projects had been copied by a competing company. During one year the internal inquiries had not obtained to discover as the emptying occurred. Passed 8 months of the finishing of the inquiry, the problem occurred with another company of another segment, but of this time it was not difficult to find the responsible one, in the truth ‘ ‘ a’ ‘ responsible. When all believed to be an employee of raised intermediate level for, evidenced that if it dealt with the faxineira that after one I raise in its registers, was verified that the same one was not faxineira engineer and. This seems cliche of American film, but it happened with a team where I myself was part. For surprise of all it said the following phrase when questioned for the policemen: ‘ ‘ Nobody of value for faxineiro, because many times find even though that they do not know to read, therefore leave drawers opened, confidential papers on the same ones.

Vocs finds that I went to lose the chance? ‘ ‘ I do not go nor to comment the phrase of it. For perhaps in its company also they leave everything ‘ ‘ soltas’ ‘? He is this staff, Social Engineering and Crime, both exist and all attention is little.
