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Month: December 2017

Mason Man

Posted on December 8, 2017 in News

From the age of eight – tells Pacheco – leo everything that falls into my hands. At eighteen years of age it is mobilized and earmarked Oyarzun, in the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco. He worked in many different trades to kill hunger, the poet himself reminds us of the following: monaguillo, singer of tangos, photographer, charger dock station railway, Mason, Marbler, dealer registration and theater comparsista sheets, finally, enters as a typist at the offices of the military Pagaduria. In 1949 he published his first poem air in the newspaper today. On October 5, 1955 he married Manuela Canon Villarroel. Extremadura Medal is granted in 1986 and two years later he was elected member of the Royal Academy of Extremadura of letters and the arts. In his abundant poetic works include the following titles: absence of mismanos (1949), in the land of cancer (1953), the Archangel sleepwalking (1953), Loscaballos of dawn (1954), mia (1955), poems (1960) son, still estatodo still (1960), poems in the form of (1962), poetry on Earth (1970), Paracurar cancer do not serve dragonflies (1972), the emblem of the dream (1972), Cantaresde eyes open (1976), has never lived as (1977), die now movies andother poems (1978), poetry (1942-1984) (3 vols1986) and sepia color poems (1989). Work in prose (1949-1995) was published in 1995.

And as the Extremaduran poet said: what matters is the man / because if the man dies / will turn off forever / torches of alba. Francisco Arias Solis no man believes that his situation is free if not at the same time fair, not fair if it is not free. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.