Posted on December 27, 2013 in News
And the blame for this is that at the very beginning of the relationship people have not made it clear that to truly enjoy each of them. To clarify this very important question is the easiest way: you ask the man himself. Of course, we should not expect that in response he would give to rank a list of their values. Most likely, he himself was only dimly suspects that he likes, and no. Therefore, your task is not only ask questions but also to listen carefully to what the person answers, clarifying for yourself (and him) that he understands only partially. By the way, the interested attention like everyone, so that you immediately place the companion to him and make a significant step towards building lasting relationships. Maybe someone at the top is not ready to talk about such things.
That is his right. It means that first you have to earn his trust, that man felt safe and wanted to reveal. Building a safe space to communicate with your partner as a "trump card" that will attract and keep with you as many people as you want. Think for yourself, with someone you like to communicate: a caustic, arrogant people who, as you know, blabbed all your secrets at the first opportunity? Or with a reliable, friendly, wise interlocutors who are ready to listen and support you? The answer is obvious. Become such a companion for yourself, and you will not be alone. Of course, this may require you to something which changes.
Posted on December 11, 2013 in News
All we have almost no mother's milk, that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. At the word "Free" and "Freebie" We try not to react – probably because of some deception. But in this case I am not calling to go into that same trap, and just think, all we know? What are the alternatives to their traditional way of life still exist? Nobody argues with the assertion that in the city life of modern man depends largely on the money. Go with a girl on a date, sit with her in a cafe? Need money. Spend time with friends? Again money. And really what to say about fashion, home furnishing, and various services? It would seem obvious link – the more money the higher the social status and the happier life. But what do ordinary people who can not afford for expensive and pretentious gloss? Lock yourself in the four walls Not at all! It is only necessary to include a little imagination and creativity.
Then survive the crisis will be more fun and easier. To keep the girl, if not a lot of money? Turn fantasy and are looking for original solutions. For example, in the author's website offers 25 ideas of free or cheap dates. It is quite something can be to adopt. Go to the movies for free? It turns out this is possible! Not only see but also to discuss with other viewers art-house pictures, films, winners of prestigious film festivals is possible in some Moscow clubs.
For example, the club "Ulitsa OGI" club "Tin", the club Bilingua conduct such screenings. Change the appearance? It turns out that this can be done absolutely free! Few people know that in Moscow there are a number of training centers Hairdressing art and manicure, where for a haircut or manicure you will not pay anything! And it is not about starting a hairdresser, and about professionals who improve their qualifications. Why not take advantage of such proposal? Free or cheap to buy the right thing? Ceremony. We need only to part with the stereotype that all things are sold in stores. Try to find what you need on the Internet. Places on the World Wide Web where people are offering free or in exchange of not they want more things abound. Wander through the spaces of the Internet and it is quite possible you will become happy owners of the necessary things for free or for a minimal symbolic remuneration in the form of juice or candy. As they say, the Internet to help you! All of the above proves once again that it is not necessarily "be on a freebie," and can only be wisely use the resources we have. After long been known that hard times only to stimulate the creativity and the search for unconventional ideas. As they say, cheese is free, and is affordable) Draw conclusions, gentlemen!
Posted on December 10, 2013 in News
By definition, Scientology – is an applied religious philosophy, founded by L. Ron Hubbard. The word "applied" means "used in the life", which means, all the knowledge gained in Scientology can be used to improve their lives and their loved ones. "Religious Philosophy" – which means that it has to do with the spirit and recognizes the man as a spiritual being. Discoveries that were made in Scientology, made possible by other religions, which explored the founder of Scientology L.
Ron Hubbard. Thus, Scientology represents a collection of knowledge, because it consists of particles of different religions, which were systematized and compiled in whole. Scientology – is the result of study of many religions and detailed consideration of the human mind. Perhaps the sages of ancient times, reached similar states, but they did not pass their knowledge on how they done. And those skills that are in now, can not be restored or transferred.
In this case, only here there is an exact technology to achieve these states. The exact path that you want to go for it called Bridge to Total Freedom. Procedure in Scientology, in order to achieve higher states, is called auditing. A state that can be achieved by applying a Scientology auditing is called Clear. Despite the fact that she has slightly more than half a century, it is one of the fastest growing religion on earth. Any person who correctly apply Scientology to yourself and your loved ones, gets results. Make yourself and sign up for auditing!
Posted on December 9, 2013 in News
Thus, the descriptions of the skills and abilities that form the cognitive domains and that will be assessed together with the content is presented in this framework in some detail. These skills and abilities must play a central role in the development of items and Striking a balance on the sets of items of different degrees of measurement objects. The behaviors used to define the theoretical frameworks of mathematics have been classified into four cognitive domains: Knowledge of facts and procedures Use of concepts Problem Solving Reasoning usual Different groups within a society, even among educators in math, have different views about the relative values of cognitive skills, or at least about the relative emphasis that should be granted in schools. The author believes that these are all important and testing will be used several items to measure each of these skills. The skills and skills included in each cognitive domain exemplify those who stated that they would expect schoolchildren in performance tests. It is intended to be applicable for all grades both measuring objects, although the degree of sophistication to the manifestation of behavior vary considerably between different grades. The distribution of items between knowledge of facts and procedures, using concepts, solving routine problems and reasoning also differs between grades. With the development of mathematical skills of the students with the interaction of experience, education and maturity, the curricular emphasis moves from relatively simple to more complex tasks. In general, the cognitive complexity of tasks increases cognitive domain to the next.