Posted on February 28, 2013 in News
Temporality of the taxable in respect of tax value-added considerations previous: not intended to present work, become a Studio background of the legislation that establishes and regulates the temporality of the taxable in respect of value added tax; It constitutes in itself a little more graphic and condensed representation that guides so that the reader is placed in a simple manner within the legal context. Should be noted that the legislator homeland, in the opinion of the undersigned, puts aside the reality of the way in which they operate the majority of SME s in terms of their commercial relations covered in commercial customs, which makes it difficult in many cases to determine the moment in the tax obligation, what arises making reservation, is clear, from the originated by issuing the commercial invoice. No you can put aside the myriad of imprecision, vagueness and ambiguity that abound in the country legislation which regulates the matter, and of which much has been said and written, is imperative to make mention to the term authorization of payment order issue that determines, according to our rules, the emergence of the tax obligation, in negotiations with the State authorities. Timing refers to the moment in which means happened taxable and therefore born the tax liability. Four large generators of the fact taxable VAT are recognized in our legislation in general terms, these are, the alienation of personal property, the provision of services (including the services from abroad), the definitive import of movable property and movable property and exports services, this activity upon which rests the tax 1However it should be noted that the law makes a second distinction, and will referred to the budget that defines the emergence of the tax obligation in relation to the organ or entity perceptor of the good or service, so there is a differentiation as soon as if the perceptor of the good or service entity is a public body, or If it is a private entity, in the first case, the problem, to a despite the inaccuracies of the norm, is of less relevance in relationship clear is, to the topic that concerns us, namely the determination of the moment is born the tax obligation, without considering the implications, economic, fiscal, or strict legal nature as well as the exceptions, and the reason is that the standard defines in principle a unique moment for the birth of the obligation, namely: the authorization of the payment order, is so manifest in Art. .
Posted on February 19, 2013 in News
The realities of our time are such that ignore such a sphere as the Internet can not. In addition, the Internet provides for the development of the project a huge opportunity. They only need to use it. In order to take advantage of Internet opportunities in the first place must have their own website. Sometime in the early days of Web-based knowledge on how to make a site was chosen destiny.
Fortunately, those days are long gone. The current state of the issue is that almost anyone who can read and use a computer, can build a functional and sophisticated website. You need only become familiar with any system content management (CMS). However, this approach has a hidden flaw. All the functional site will be limited to only those modules that can be found online for your CMS. And with the development of the project will be a question of necessarily using some special features to implement business ideas.
Of course, in this case, you can go to any Web-studio, which for a fee and the site for you and will be engaged in its development and support. It is only necessary to take into account that these web-based professionals are quite a lot of money. And if you use the cheaper services to students in a year you can be in a situation where, literally, "nalyapanny" code system, even the author himself will not be able to put in order. Therefore, cost-effective way to develop the project might look like this: in the initial stages, you can use ready-made solutions based on a popular free CMS; with just installing and running your project should begin to understand the basics of web technology that will enable as needed to make changes to an already running website, well, and when the project unwind, then you can safely share of income allocated for development of the site and enter into a contract with a web-studio, the more that knowledge of web technologies will be enough to determine how a professional studio works with the client. That also need to learn? HTML. He is a web-based. Virtually all browsers are designed for display of HTML. So his knowledge – this is the foundation that holds tightly to the castle site on their shoulders. CSS. Give elegance of the text, which is formed HTML codes allows CSS. Knowledge of HTML and CSS only opens the door to the construction of the remarkable static sites. There are a number of methods that allow you to make awesome websites only on the basis of HTML and CSS. JavScript. Embedded in the HTML page scripting language. With it, change the buttons begin to gracefully leave the menu and pictures appear with different effects. JavScript animates static Web pages and significantly expands the range of possible functions. PHP in conjunction with MySQL. It is best to explore them together. This allows you to make a bunch of sites with dynamic pages that will change their content depending on different conditions, and the data stored in the database on the server. User authentication, the creation of various forums, blogs and online stores – all this and more is available with PHP and MySQL. If you possess the listed items that will be available to almost any problem in web development. But even basic knowledge will be sufficient to modify the code CMS for your site, for an organization to function.
Posted on February 12, 2013 in News
Not necessarily that it would have seen the God, it has interpretation exaggerated, what in the Toms truth de Aquino witness-it would have lived deeply a very strong intuition, certainty that if findou in act of death, as all passes the life reflecting regarding what he is God, could have cheated to a miraculosa vision of as it is to feel God in the totality of the spirit. God, under the philosophical optics (Metaphysical) consists in one To be of Supreme Principle, of the last Bedding, the Infinite and the Absolute one. Something that can allege that it is the sublime one. The sublime one is an undisputed beauty that is beyond the reason and of the imagination human being, whose esplendor and royalty if reduce to a terrificante astonishment to the human eyes. In other words, the reason human being, does not possess conditions to see the God, does not have rational support to conceive so great grandiosidade. What it leads to believe that Toms Saint would exactly have lived deeply decurrent an interior peace very intensified of its faith and certainty, what it does not hinder that other people live the same that it lived. The faith and the real certainty in something the form of the thought can be disclosed as, being thus, the thought commands such thing the point of a mysterious and fascinating interpretation to the point to find that the manifestation of God and the presentation Of it ahead of us poor mortals. It is certain that the human being does not possess the capacity to see it, making with that it finishes the mystery all. The most likely one is that nobody would have never seen the God. It had seen if it, would not have time to count to the others.