Optronics – International

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Month: September 2012

Brazilian Access

Posted on September 19, 2012 in News

Giving continuity to the mission to improve education in the places where it acts, the School was created that Valley with the intention to prepare the professors and the pupils of the first one to the fifth series of Basic Ensino, offering improvement, update and pedagogical planning of the educators and reading, writing, verbal communication and access to the Internet of the pupils. Its projects interdisciplinares have helped, considerably, children to improve the reading, the writing, to work in team and to know the history of its region. This citizenship example has provoked great transformations in public education, acting with partnerships of institutions specialized in educative programs, more than benefiting 290 a thousand pedagogical people who had participated of its programs, such as professors, directors, coordinators, coordinating places, local producers and pupils (Cross, 2004); (Foundation, 2011). The access to the TICs, nowadays, is a reality as facilitador resource and of great use in all the areas of the knowledge. As solution to improve and to increase the access of the population to the telecentros, for example, the accomplishment of great investments in the construction of new telecentros and free and gratuitous programs is necessary. All the beings of a society are involved for the innovations that the TICs they offer, as the Government, the public and private institutions, the not governmental organizations and the citizens. For in such a way, the partnerships are the best indications government to develop it and to spread models of telecentros for the Brazilian territory. The telecentros are public of shared and gratuitous use, dedicated to the personal and communitarian development and operated spaces solely for the government, through partnerships with institutions of as and the third sector. The telecentros must have free and universal access, thus contributing for the improvement of the quality of life of the people, facilitating the access the social programs and promoting the education and the digital inclusion (USP, 2007).
