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Month: March 2011

Satellite Television

Posted on March 16, 2011 in News

In your home there is no possibility of connecting high-speed Internet access, you have to wait for several minutes until the next page to load the site? Take advantage of the unilateral (Asymmetric) access to the Internet and you forget about all the problems associated with slow network access. It is known that the majority of Internet users is the number of incoming data several times number of outgoing, so when you use to connect to the Internet one-way satellite channel, all incoming information is downloaded via satellite, and for the administration of outgoing data using ground link: dial-up, adsl or leased line. What are the advantages of one-way satellite Internet? 1) Availability. Due to the inexpensive cost of the equipment and connections, this type of satellite communications is available for both small commercial businesses and private users. 2) Compatible with wireless Wi-Fi.

If you need access to the Internet anywhere in your home or plot, then using the relationship between Wi-Fi, you can organize as a local area network, and use it to connect to the Internet desktop computers, mobile phones, laptops and PDAs. 3) High speed receive incoming data. An asymmetric satellite link provides one of the most high-speed Internet access. The speed of its connection and transmission of incoming data exceeds the rate of mobile phones in more than 100 times. Using one-way satellite Internet allows quickly downloading the necessary information to open multiple browser windows. 4) Installation of satellite television. Typically, firms that offer services to connect to the Internet via satellite, simultaneously offer and be connected to satellite television. Keep in mind: to reduce the possible shortcomings of unilateral satellite Internet: dependence on bad weather and a slight delay before the start receiving data, connection to one-way satellite Internet, and setting the necessary software can and should be trusted only to qualified professionals.