Optronics – International

Using technology to improve vision

Visualizing the Micro World Today

Posted on January 17, 2011 in General

The wedding of high tech electronic devices with the science of optics has produced remarkable results in the field of visualizing and manipulating the microscopic world. Some of the products which have resulted from this partnership are full high-definition digital microscopic cameras; ergonomic visualization imaging systems for whole animal micro dissection and experimental microsurgery and a lot more.

Without these amazing tools microsurgery, which is on the rise, helping thousands of people around the world would not be possible. Some of the procedures made possible by this technology are the re-attachment of severed limbs, such as fingers, toes, and even hands. Re-attachment of limbs requires the suturing of tiny blood vessels and nerves in order to achieve movement, sensation and blood flow into the previously severed limb. Expect more breakthroughs on the way as the technology develops not only to enhance the ability to view tiny biological systems, but also the ability to manipulate those systems with high-tech tools.

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Markus Murtinger

Posted on July 21, 2020 in News

He is direct ideas and information supplier. His input is the most valuable thing can get it, for the company because it wants to achieve with its products and services so the customers or the user.” Also, social media services offer the possibility of relatively low investment in so-called deep customer insights”to get. Usually they obtained through extensive surveys within the target group, which means not only time, but especially financial effort for a company. Channels, where customers are, can be made easy through social media services. You will also receive valuable information to the audiences that you can achieve. All of this information serve the optimal control by appropriate marketing actions of a company. Social media presence: Yes! Just like? In addition to the potential social media intelligence, it is of course equally important for companies the presence in this area, vote optimally on customer requirements and needs. We know how important a best from users point of view social media presence is, especially with regard to interaction design.

It is necessary to know the expectations of the target groups and to incorporate this directly into the design. We develop any classic social media campaigns, but created after user experience criteria then concepts for user interfaces, and designed the user interfaces, to so an optimal social media presence, asking to join, to guarantee “, so Markus Murtinger. The topic of user motivation is also relevant in this context. Here, companies face the challenge, gained users and customers to delight that they participate regularly in discussions, polls, or on the distribution of content. Depending on what does a company with social media, it is important to design the site accordingly. It, also applies to existing social media sites in addition to a user-friendly, especially a user Experience criteria designed to offer surface.

To do this the user experience expert Markus Murtinger: especially in the social media sector are crucial factors such as trust, privacy, fun or motivation to the active participation of users for a success of the campaign and should not be underestimated. “.” Social media as a means of magic? Social media can be so much, is however not a self-perpetuating. As a company cannot help but to get this topic, if you want to actually use the potentials, really to focus. In the foreground is the user whose expectations and requirements you should know and integrate into the whole concept. It is also essential that the organisation spreads concrete targets, which wants to achieve it by means of or in social media. Only in this way can be concrete actions. Social media just make, because it’s just a trend topic, nothing brings an organization over the long term and giving away valuable potential in the company’s success. About USECON USECON is operating on an international scale and in Vienna -based consulting firm that specializes in consulting services for all activities in the context of the user-oriented design of interactive systems. Activities are the “3Us” at the heart of USECON: usability (simple usability complex systems/technologies), user experience (the holistic experience of the user) and user interface design (interaction strategy, analysis, design, graphic design, prototyping). founded in 2001 as a spin-off of the research center of CURE guaranteed USECON scientifically based methods in combination with the latest technology and has an experience of more than 500 projects with over 300 customers from various industries.


Social Engineering

Posted on May 10, 2020 in News

Giving continuity, the first case that I will present is of as to cross the security of a company for the simple act of the lack of information and the curiosity. In as, to substimar an employee it can be the key for its fall. In case that 1Para to get access to a company, a consultant left, propositalmente, a COMPACT DISC in the balcony of the entrance of the building in which it wanted to test the security level. The content of the COMPACT DISC ero archives of text and some spread sheets, however in the way had a program ‘ ‘ trojan’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ pescar’ ‘ sigilosas passwords and information. In the COMPACT DISC the following heading was printed matter: Leaf of Payment Direction – ConfidencialAps to leave the COMPACT DISC it left the building and was waiting in the car with a connection 3G and logado in the site that was ‘ ‘ esperando’ ‘ the information. 8 minutes so that it had access to a machine and, in next the 30 minutes had been enough, already it had more than infectado 100 machines of the company. This was only one test to affirm that the curiosity of the people goes beyond its reason and, over all, of the norms.

Case 2Em one determined company of the interior of Minas Gerais, diverse projects had been copied by a competing company. During one year the internal inquiries had not obtained to discover as the emptying occurred. Passed 8 months of the finishing of the inquiry, the problem occurred with another company of another segment, but of this time it was not difficult to find the responsible one, in the truth ‘ ‘ a’ ‘ responsible. When all believed to be an employee of raised intermediate level for, evidenced that if it dealt with the faxineira that after one I raise in its registers, was verified that the same one was not faxineira engineer and. This seems cliche of American film, but it happened with a team where I myself was part. For surprise of all it said the following phrase when questioned for the policemen: ‘ ‘ Nobody of value for faxineiro, because many times find even though that they do not know to read, therefore leave drawers opened, confidential papers on the same ones.

Vocs finds that I went to lose the chance? ‘ ‘ I do not go nor to comment the phrase of it. For perhaps in its company also they leave everything ‘ ‘ soltas’ ‘? He is this staff, Social Engineering and Crime, both exist and all attention is little.



September Apple

Posted on December 5, 2019 in News

In recent years, the company used in September to showcase the new iPod models before season of high consumer demand at the end of the year. IPod players dominate in its market, but sales growth has slowed in recent years, Apple focused on the smartphone line iPhone and tablet PCs iPad. For quarter, the company sold 9.10 million iPod. In this teleresiveriv Apple tv for computers sold around one million per year. Apple is in talks with major U.S. television networks of abc, owned by Walt Disney Co, at nbc, owned by General Electric Co, hoping offer its customers television shows for download through the iTunes online store for 99 cents per episode. However, so far not reported anything about the agreement between the parties..



Buying Glasses

Posted on October 30, 2019 in News

First glasses or longtime wearers: get smart, which glasses to meet your needs are the best. About 40 million Germans age 16 wear glasses. 1 Who needs glasses, should consult and seek the best an optometrist. No matter whether it is a simple reading glasses or extravagantly customized progressive lenses. Because glasses should always optimally meet the individual needs of the wearer.

“ZEISS optometrist of Tobias FARA, FARA AugenOptik, Pforzheim, describes it as follows: A first glasses with a very slight visual impairment, who would like to use a pair of glasses mainly to driving a car or television, must be advise otherwise the lens equipment and finishing as a long-time glasses with severe myopia, that for the first time reaches a bifocals to.” So, it is important that opticians and customer search take time for a detailed conversation after the ideal Visual solution. The optometrist can query information about vision abnormalities and habits; the customer express his expectations and demands on the new glasses. Only from the combination of the individual characteristics of the eye as well as the subjective preferences of the wearer of glasses look solution can be derived. The following table helps the right questions to ask the optometrist and along with its expertise and experience to find the best glasses for himself. I. eye review of eye examination will determine what kind and what degree of refractive error are available. I start with a kind of medical history and ask specifically what needs and problems the customer has. Before I perform the eye test, I explain exactly what benefit the technical devices have and what are the individual steps of the Visual analysis. Subjective eye tests, create ideally in combination with a machine created objective see profile. a comprehensive understanding of the eye” (ZEISS Jurgen Jainta, optician optometrist) Schutz, Pforzheim) what methods the eye checking apply? What exactly you check for an eye test? II.


Mini Wave Heights Climb

Posted on October 16, 2019 in News

Kanoo advanced production program F -, FE -, and FB wave the Bavarian sheet feeder plant of Kanoo group has expanded its product range to the F-wave, the so-called mini wave, and the combinations of f with – and B-flute. Meet the family business of trends in the packaging industry. The packaging should be ecologically sustainable and yet stand out from the glut of goods in the supermarket. A high-quality packaging can play a crucial role in this context. Base this is the packaging material and the proper execution of them. In the corrugated area, this is accomplished best using the F-wave. Advantages of F wave the F wave has a wave height between 0.6 mm to 0.9 mm and complies with the requirements of sustainability and high print quality. Using the mini wave, the packaging is itself leaner and lighter.

Logistics, warehousing and shelf space are saved. A smaller volume of space can also optimizes the transport cost and logistics channels. So fit, for example, compared to almost as many appropriate packaging with F wave at pallet level on the carrier double flat packaging with a wave of the E. The lower height of the F wave has resulted in that the distances of the valleys and mountains in the finished corrugated board are smaller. This results in a more uniform and homogeneous surface structure in the outer corner of the corrugated board. Keep itself stable when printing on the shaft and the color better reach the troughs.

The printed result is qualitatively much quality as in packaging with larger types of waves. Beginning of 2011 with F-wave in series the expansion of production to the F-wave and its combination with other types of waves is a strategic step and offers us differentiation from our competitors”, Stephan Meier, sales manager in Hilpoltstein. First test runs with the F -, FE – FB wave carried in December. At the beginning of the year 2011 we will produce in series.” Dr. Jan Klingele, managing partner who Klingele Group, supplemented production pallets in our remaining German Corrugated Board plants we will adjust gradually and thus with the mini-wave climb more heights in direction of print quality and sustainability in the industry.”


Special Activities

Posted on October 11, 2019 in News

Hi I am willing that you tell me that material needed for their research, research I hope to contact me and I can help them guide. Anything can make comments and I supply the information because the they do not comments I’ve seen on the need for you to be participate them topics to perform, there is no any problem I the public hope your answers. I hope we will be in contact, your suggestion is more important, any doubt or question go know, for that we are here. A hug and thousand Greetings can offer sketches, pictures, graphs, differences ok. I hope you like my distribution.

Every human being, each animal, every tree and shrub, each flower and all other plant and way of life is in itself something special, a peculiarity and individuality in all respects. But only the life of human form, of any genre, is able to think and act in a conscious way, and thus is the most special among all lives. For humans, be special does not mean that he is above all, enjoying and using everything for him according to your taste, be special simply means in the first place, truly be a human being. Being human means sharing life with all other life and always giving him assistance many times the need requires it. Being human means being special and have developed the ability to share the life of its own, also with others so that others involved in the achieved knowledge, as well as the love and wisdom, so that the same thing happens to and learn and can progress. Being human means being honest in thoughts and feelings, in Word and Act, be always sincere and sensitive, and always make sure that true love is a part of everything and every one. Being human means, having developed within himself the ability to be able to give others something good and positive, as well as balanced and harmonious, and assist them in the changes that occur, when they need the help of the humanitaridad of human beings from the neighbor. I hope your suggestions and comment original author and source of the article.


Roman Blinds

Posted on October 6, 2019 in News

Roman blinds are spanned by horizontal cloth fabric that is going into neat horizontal folds. The effect is achieved through the use of horizontal slats, which are stitched into the fabric of seamy side of Roman blinds. Roman blinds are made of solid opaque fabrics can sometimes be confused with horizontal blinds, they have the same function – to protect the room from excessive sunlight, and from intrusion views from the street. Roman blinds are made of transparent fabrics are decorative and can be used as inner tulle, for example, sliding curtains. Often such an option can be seen in interior design in the sieve fusion.

Cornice for Roman blinds require a special, with roller attachments for lift cords. The height of the Roman blinds adjusted by a special chain of blinds. Depending by Dina, width and number of folds, number of work units on Roman shades can vary and range from two to five pieces. If you want to put Roman shades on the wall higher than three meters, they are recommended broken down into individual curtains. This allows us not only to achieve a more accurate appearance of the curtains, but also adjust the height of each of the curtains apart, which is especially useful in areas with a large area. Despite the fact that design roman blinds came to us from ancient times and retained the name of the city, they are currently used in the most advanced styles of interior decoration, such as minimalism and high-tech.



Systemic Therapy

Posted on September 18, 2019 in News

Dipl. teacher Heike Bangert Wang informed disagreement in a relationship, whether in the family or in a partnership are often procedures that only a consultation from the outside can help to establish satisfaction again. One possible measure may be the systemic therapy. What this is based and which goal they explained Dipl. pedagogue Heike Bangert Wang from ubach-Palenberg. Basis of systemic therapy the systemic theory sees each individual in the entirety of a social system. Constantly moving in social references, doing and feeling can be never independently considered. You constantly mutually influenced.

The systemic therapy takes into account relationships and behaviors between couples, parents, grandparents, siblings, colleagues and friends, to face the existing problems. The basis of systemic therapy is the taking into account of social systems, in which the client resides and considered the people never alone trading. Because it is never only a part of a relationship that is responsible. A systemic therapy can be carried out with the whole family, with pairs or individuals. It is always crucial to include the point of view of each other. Failing patterns modifizieren-goal of systemic therapy as a result that the actions mutually influence by members of a system, can be unconsciously behavioural and relationship patterns solidify, which can lead to difficulties in the cooperation. It is the most patient unaware that they always follow the same pattern. The systemic therapy aims to recognize and to overlook, to create a base for a change.

If ingrained patterns of behavior and communication forms are worked out, various approaches can help to achieve a good and fulfilling coexistence. The aim is that each individual in its capabilities strengthened and improved the interaction to release unhealthy patterns of behavior. For Details about the systemic therapy the Dipl. pedagogue Heike Bangert Wang from ubach-Palenberg is available at any time.


Design Of Fiber Optic

Posted on September 5, 2019 in News

When designing a fiber-optic (fiber-optic communication lines) should immediately answer the following questions: 1. Characteristics of the signal to be broadcast via fiber-optic 2. Distance signal transmission over fiber optic 3. Route fiber-optic cable (in the sewers, open, etc.) 4. Is there a connection to a particular type of active equipment, 5. Is there an existing fiber-optic line that needs to build or expand. So, for the design fol each of the questions to be essential. Let us examine each question for the design of fiber-optic line.

Characteristics of the signal to be broadcast via fiber-optic 1. Through the fiber optic can be broadcast the following types of Signal: Video * Transfer * Transfer audio * Transmission circuit dry contact (transfer of NC-NO); * Transfer Protocols RS-232/422/485 (four-or double) * Passing Ethernet 10/100 or 1000 (transfer gigabit ethernet); * streams E1, FE1, V.35 and others. 2. Distance signal transmission in the design of fiber-optic line to select the characteristics of optical fibers, terminals, and the category of active equipment necessary to understand at what distance will be broadcast by those or other signals on fiber-optic line. 3. Track laying fiber-optic cable in the design of fiber optic cables fiber optic route affects mainly the choice of the characteristics of fiber-optic cable: a) Fiber optic cables for backbone networks: * For installation in conduit, boxes, pipes, sewers * For installation in all soil groups; * Suspended cables; * Combined Cables * Cables in "dry" performance.

b) Fiber-optic communication cables for local area networks: * Cables for optical cables, optical cables * Distribution. 4. Binding to a specific type of active equipment in the design of fiber-optic Active equipment from different vendors to send the same kinds of signals can differ in various characteristics: * The transmission distance of a signal on fiber-optic * The maximum attenuation that can take an active fiber optic equipment * gain signal active fiber optic equipment * Temperature range of active fiber optic equipment; * Auxiliary performance (power consumption, size, voltage, etc.) 5. The existing optical fiber connections, you want to build or expand. When designing a fiber-optic-based current is important to determine whether these existing lines of communication to perform the tasks set in the new design: * Is it possible to expand the network without changing the fundamental fiber-optic solutions * Do I need to use converters from multimode lines in single-mode (and vice versa) * Can there be two networks of fiber-optic (existing and planned) separately with only one bond, or to their tight weave. Comprehensive response to all these questions can begin to design fiber-optic line.


Assertiveness Training IntSel, The Training Course For More Assertive

Posted on August 30, 2019 in News

For self-confident people, a strong self-esteem is the obvious thing in the world. But what if one unstolzer owns of a weak self-confidence? “Don’t just more confident.” Similar to many well-intentioned advice sound, which often less than Council because people are experiencing insecure as beats. Does this mean the reverse, that people with a weak self-confidence a life would have to be long? “With security not!”, so the clear statement by Matthias Schwehm, founder and Director of Matthias Schwehm personality training. Matthias Schwehm 18 wild horses before a group of people brought due to my then uncertainty and my lamp fever myself, today I’m enjoying any speech situation”, so Matthias Schwehm next. “If I was not so insecure, so I would certainly not so intensely dealt biogenes me with really effective methods of self-confidence”.

Due to his uncertainty extremely compromising him he read from his 18th birthday, all popular books. Positive changes, however, did not make. Therefore, he created a self-help program that gradually showed effect out of his desperation. “The wise theories in the books were very interesting and plausible”, Matthias Schwehm, “actually but only my experience helped me”. Over the years, he won to a considerable degree of self-confidence, met many, appropriate techniques and methods and developed their own. From a professional crisis of meaning he decided in 1995 to switch on his dream job of the personality trainers. Already from 1997 specialised he on the field of self-confidence can enjoy. Today, there is hardly a personality trainer in all German-speaking countries, which would be similar to up this specialized.

Core knowledge and core techniques improve the self-confidence IntSel are now exclusively offered under the brand name. One of the most intensive short-time training is called self-confidence training IntSel and is tailored to individuals would go clear steps to a new self-confidence and a new degree of inner and outer clarity within of two weekends at a distance of eight weeks or within 5 days at a time. The group size is 12 participants. “Some of the most intense techniques give a significantly growing confidence the participants”, so Matthias Schwehm. The next confidence training IntSel begins two weekends on the 5th of may, its second weekend on July 18, 2008, end is Sunday evening at 18: 00. The maximum number of participants is 12. More info assertiveness training-Wochenende.html see the next confidence training IntSel five days will take place from 5th to 9th May 2008. See this self-confidence training Urlaub.html more appointments, as well as the respective seminar locations are available on the Internet. Who would like to log in should be done soon, because experience has shown that the dates are quickly booked out. Look at the Seminar venue Ramsberg The company Matthias Schwehm personality training, trademark law owner of IntSel and author of the mentioned event, is specialized for more than 11 years on individuals in the development of a strong self-confidence in Germany and the neighbouring German-speaking countries. Thanks to cooperation partners, events and coaching not only in Bavaria, but also in Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony can be offered.
